Thursday, January 13, 2011

2011 Resolution

My first post is my New Year's resolution.  To do things that improve me as a person.  Whether it improves my mind, spirit, or physical body it doesn't matter.  It just needs to improve me and who I am.  In turn, I think it will make me a better person to the people I am around and come in contact with. 

I did a couple of things last year that met this purpose before I even knew it was a path I was on.   I participated in Tough Mudder, Warrior Dash and Urban Dare.  All of which put me way out of my comfort zone.  I failed meeting my goal of being able to do 3 Pull-Ups by August 28, but I will reach that goal this year.  I was successful in completing a 21 Day Sugar Detox (Diane Sanfilippo).  I learned so much about my body and it's tolerances that I began it again Jan. 3rd.  I started sewing again and made 4 beautiful scarves with matching rosette pins for my gurlz and me for Christmas.  I started going to target practice (yes, with guns) and enjoy "ladies night" at the shooting range with a very small group of friends once a month.  I have also started taking a martial arts class with my middle child. 

I like to cook, I hope to do more without having recipes to guide me.  I like to craft.  I like to knit but haven't picked up a set of needles in at least 4 years.  I have piles of yarn waiting to become something other than clutter.  I like to read, but don't do enough of it.  I watch too much t.v.  I'm a procrastinator.  I haven't been to Church in years (see previous sentence).

Blogging is something I've thought about in the past. I just don't think I'm good enough or that people will be interested.  This will be the year to see if that is true.  There is a selfish reason behind attempting this, too.  As my name implies, I am a creator of piles.  My husband calls me "Piles" when we can't find something. I write things down, but can't find those pesky pieces of paper when I need them.  I write a page in a journal....can't find the journal, start another....go back to the old one.  Nothing is ever in chronological order.  I make things but when people ask me how or with what; I can't find the notes I made, pictures used, etc.

Really, I am just wanting to share myself and hold myself accountable.  Just be "me".  So, let's see how this whole thing goes and where it takes me.


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